Volume 11, Issue 2 (2023)                   Health Educ Health Promot 2023, 11(2): 273-278 | Back to browse issues page

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Aziz R, Mangestuti R, Sholichatun Y, Ridho A, Mukhibat M. Reconstructing the Meaning of Work to Promote Teachers' Mental Health. Health Educ Health Promot 2023; 11 (2) :273-278
URL: http://hehp.modares.ac.ir/article-5-68185-en.html
1- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, East Java, Indonesia
2- Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Education and Teachers Science, Institute Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia
Abstract:   (1922 Views)
Aims: Teachers often encounter work-related challenges that can compromise their mental health. We used a dual-factor model to evaluate the relationship between the meaning of work and teachers’ mental health. Mental health is defined as a high level of psychological well-being and a low level of psychological distress.
Participants & Methods: This qualitative study involved a survey completed by 261 elementary school teachers in East Java, Indonesia, and five teacher interviews. Data were collected through documentation, interviews, and a Mental Health Scale, and data analysis was performed through descriptive and thematic analysis.
Findings: Many problems of teachers in performing their duties and teachers' inability to interpret their behavior have caused the level of mental health to decrease.
Conclusion: Our results contribute to a better understanding of teacher challenges that can affect overall mental health and provide useful strategies to improve teaching conditions.
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Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: Health Education and Health Behavior
Received: 2023/03/23 | Accepted: 2023/04/22 | Published: 2023/04/30
* Corresponding Author Address: Gajayana street 50 Malang, East Java. Postal Code: 65144 (azira@uin-malang.ac.id)

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