Volume 9, Issue 5 (2021)                   Health Educ Health Promot 2021, 9(5): 487-499 | Back to browse issues page

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Karmanovskaya N, Nosova O, Kaverzin A. Public Environmental Monitoring of the State of Snowpack in Norilsk. Health Educ Health Promot 2021; 9 (5) :487-499
URL: http://hehp.modares.ac.ir/article-5-55986-en.html
1- Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy; Department of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Norilsk State Industrial Institute, Norilsk, Russian Federation , karmanovskaya6140@nuos.pro
2- Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Norilsk State Industrial Institute, Norilsk, Russian Federation
Abstract:   (1017 Views)
Aims: This study aimed to analyse the snow cover in the Norilsk industrial region and assess the state of atmospheric air in the winter.
Materials & Methods: This experimental study was conducted in 2019. The organoleptic method was used for determining quality indicators based on the analysis of sensory perception; sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste.
Findings: Norilsk ranks second in terms of atmospheric contamination. Industrial enterprises annually emit large amounts of sulphur dioxide, phenols, and heavy metal particles. The city is located within the Far North and is distinguished by the harsh climate of the subarctic type. The snow cover can lie from 244 to 277 days. Snow is a good sorbent; therefore, the snow cover accumulates solid and gaseous pollutants that enter it from the atmosphere with precipitation or are absorbed from it.
Conclusion: Heavy metal ions and sulphate ions are not detected in the thawed snow, so no industrial gas pollution is noted in the residential area. Most of the particulate contamination is caused by slagging of roads to improve vehicle traction.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Social Health
Received: 2021/09/29 | Accepted: 2021/11/16 | Published: 2022/01/29
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy; Department of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Norilsk State Industrial Institute, 663310, Norilsk, Russian Federation

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