Volume 12, Issue 4 (2024)                   Health Educ Health Promot 2024, 12(4): 561-569 | Back to browse issues page

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Qorib F, Nurdiarti R, Septiani F, Setiawan R. Teacher-Parent Collaboration; Enhancing Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Health Educ Health Promot 2024; 12 (4) :561-569
URL: http://hehp.modares.ac.ir/article-5-76870-en.html
1- Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Malang, Indonesia
2- Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Communication and Multimedia, University of Mercubuana Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3- Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Bandar Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Abstract:   (283 Views)
Aims: This research investigates how therapeutic communication, supported by teacher-parent collaboration, enhances the social, emotional, and academic development of children with intellectual disabilities at SLB Bina Siwi, Indonesia.
Participants & Methods: A qualitative approach was used, with purposive sampling selecting 5 teachers from a total of 11 and 3 parents from 5. Criteria for selecting teachers included a minimum of three years of experience and diverse educational backgrounds. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews and a 3-month observation period. Snowball sampling was employed to ensure data saturation and capture diverse perspectives.
Findings: The study found that therapeutic communication plays a core role in improving the social and emotional development of children with intellectual disabilities. Teachers using empathetic and adaptive communication observed increased engagement among students. Parents who actively collaborated with teachers reported improved confidence in supporting their children’s education at home, which further aids children’s adaptation to challenges in both environments.
Conclusion: Therapeutic communication is crucial in educating children with intellectual disabilities, with strong teacher-parent collaboration being key to its success.
Full-Text [PDF 609 kb]   (253 Downloads)    
Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: Health Communication
Received: 2024/09/4 | Accepted: 2024/10/25 | Published: 2024/11/1
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Jl. Telaga Warna, Tlogomas, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Postal Code: 65144 (fathul.qorib@unitri.ac.id)

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